Thursday, July 2, 2009

In between worlds

Orange, sizzling across the sky
Fire sinks into cool blue water
Soft pink hues marking the trail
Of the sun as it slips into the sea.

Brilliance of color, breathtaking light
Dazzling radiance fills the view
Yet shift just a moment, turn but a little
A new landscape appears.

Greys shifting to blues, to shadows above,
Tiny pin-pricks of light, a cresent-shaped glow
Calm, and mystery marked by the darkness
A quiet night comes on tip-toe

I stand alone, with a foot in each land,
My face to the grey, brilliant colors to my back
An infinite moment of time and space
Two worlds colliding around me.

Some are of the darkness, some of the light
But neither of these lands are mine to dwell
Yet maybe only the traveler is blessed to see
And walk in the beauty that's inbetween.

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